The populations of birds change over time and their evolution is known thanks to initiatives like the Sacre program of SEO/BirdLife. The wide distribution of common birds requires the participation of numerous people so that the information is representative of the whole country. Thousands of volunteers have participated in this bird monitoring program since 1996, and it is important to maintain this contribution to cover more territory and also replace volunteers who cannot continue.
Two mornings in the spring are enough to participate, so that the small effort of hundreds of participants each year facilitates the necessary information to obtain the population trends of common birds. Are you up for it?
You can see what it consists of and the methodology to be used in this video
The data can be conveniently recorded with a very simple mobile app (available on Android and iOS) that allows you to send the information as soon as the sampling is finished.
You can practice bird songs with Avefy (Android and iOS).
You have all the information at:
You can make any inquiries at and 914340910.
The period for taking samples begins on April 15th.
Join us! Birds need your contribution.